2022 Statement on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
This statement is made on behalf of all companies within R&Q Insurance Holdings Ltd and its subsidiary businesses further to the provisions of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.
About Us
R&Q Insurance Holdings Ltd and its subsidiary businesses (the “Group” or “R&Q”) is a diverse insurance group, headquartered and operating in Bermuda with extensive operations across the UK, USA, and Europe, employing over 330 employees. The Group provides core services of legacy solutions and program management in the USA, UK and Europe, acting as a conduit for capital providers, such as reinsurers, and niche underwriting businesses, such as MGAs. R&Q Insurance Holdings Ltd is listed on the UK AIM market.
A Responsible Business
In 2022, the Group refreshed its strategy and values so that Enhancing Transparency and Acting Responsibly are two of R&Q’s core five strategic pillars. In 2023, we became a signatory to the UN’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance and are committed to integrating the relevant ESG issues, including Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking, into our recruitment, training and employee engagement programmes and into our tender and selection processes for suppliers.
Our Supply Chains
The Group operates within a regulated environment across Bermuda, the US, UK and Europe and does not have any complex supply chains or obtain goods/services or material services from suppliers with a high risk of slavery or human trafficking. We conduct regular due diligence (detailed below) across our business and supply chains and assess the risk of modern slavery or human trafficking existing within our business or supply chains to be low.
Our Due Diligence and Mitigation processes
R&Q complies with legal and regulatory requirements everywhere it conducts business and has embedded its Code of Ethics across its activities. The Code continues to affirm the Group’s commitment to compliance with equal employment opportunity laws and other applicable civil rights, human rights and employment and labour laws. R&Q expects staff to behave ethically and transparently and to be accountable for their actions.
During the year, R&Q’s policies, frameworks, and actions continued, with the aim to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply lines, and included:
Human Resources
- employment verification checks as part of the Group’s hiring process
- requiring agencies who supply workers to carry out employment verification checks, where relevant
- supplier due diligence using detailed questionnaires incorporating a new supplier form and sanctions’ checking procedures
- subjecting key business transactions to both onboarding and periodic regulatory screening
- providing regular training for staff on sanctions restrictions, anti-bribery, anti-money laundering, whistleblowing, and modern slavery and anti-trafficking legislation
- providing ongoing training and support for all staff on how and where they can raise concerns about wrongdoing and assurances that they will not suffer reprisals for doing so
Anti-Slavery Policy Statement by the Chairman of R&Q Insurance Holdings Ltd
R&Q Insurance Holdings has zero tolerance towards slavery and human trafficking and is committed to ensuring that these activities do not occur throughout our supply chain or across any part of our business.
This statement reflects our commitment to behaving and acting ethically throughout all our business relationships and to ensuring that we implement and enforce effective systems and controls to ensure that slavery and human trafficking does not take place anywhere throughout our business and supply chains.
R&Q is committed to operating a responsible business to the benefit of all its stakeholders and complies with relevant local Bermudian, US, UK and European legal requirements to which it is subject.
This statement applies to all the Group’s companies.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and was approved on 6 December 2023 by the R&Q Insurance Holdings Ltd Board of Directors, who will review, update and publish it on an annual basis.
Jeffrey L Hayman
Chairman of R&Q Insurance Holdings Ltd